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'Discover Your Audience's Visual Journey'

Discover where your audience truly looks and what resonates with eye-tracking heatmaps and sentiment analysis. Our platform reveals:
- Visual attention hotspots on your content.
- Emotional responses evoked by design elements.
- Opportunities to optimize for maximum engagement.
Unlock the secrets of your audience's visual journey and craft campaigns that captivate from the first glance.

Optimize Content

Trusted by 5,000+ Visionary Creators and Marketers to Unleash Optimized Creativi

Engage Smarter, Convert Better

Analyze heatmaps and sentiment data across different user segments (e.g., demographics, interests, behaviors) to tailor your content and messaging for specific target audiences. With this approach, marketing and creative teams gain more visibility and control over content, enabling them to optimize and create more engaging content.


Enragement Increase


More chances to go viral

content optimization

Analyze and optimize creative content

Our platform helps marketing and creative teams save time and money while making data-driven decisions without guesswork.

Visual Attention Mapping

Heatmaps clearly illustrate the areas of your content that attract the most and least visual attention, providing a comprehensive understanding of user engagement patterns.

Sentiment Analysis

Combining eye-tracking and facial expression analysis, these tools gauge emotional responses to your content, providing invaluable insights for crafting impactful messaging.

See Engagement Before It Happens

Visualize Success, Minimize Waste:

Our platform acts as your marketing crystal ball, providing clear insights into how your audience will respond to your creatives on various social media channels.

See the Future, Seize the Market:

Gain a competitive edge by seeing the future of content engagement. Use our predictive insights to seize market opportunities and stay ahead of your competition..

Launch your content prediction Now

Leverage intelligent predictions to create smarter, more effective campaigns. Our AI-driven insights help you craft content that resonates with your audience from the start.

  • No credit card required

Visionary Insights for Smarter Marketing!

Eye-tracking data can inform optimal ad placements on websites or apps, ensuring ads are positioned in areas where users naturally focus their gaze. This strategic placement increases ad visibility and engagement.

eye-tracking ai